Di Windows 11, Widget Board sangat bermanfaat karena memungkinkan banyak Widget yang dapat diinstal dan digunakan, bahkan beberapa Widget third party dapat didownload dan digunakan.
Live Tanya Jawab Windows 11: Berbicara dengan Windows 11
Sementara itu, menurut Leaker @PhantomOfEarth di Twitter / X, pada Windows 11 Insider Dev dan Canary, Microsoft telah menguji fitur baru yang memungkinkan pengguna memindahkan widget ke desktop desktop Windows 11, seperti yang ditunjukkan di sini.
Untuk saat ini, opsi pin ini masih dalam pengujian dan tidak tersedia secara default untuk Insider. Namun, Insider yang ingin mencobanya dapat melakukannya dengan menggunakan ViveTool dan mengaktifkan ID 43636169.
Lihat juga: Aplikasi Windows Backup Terbaru Tersedia di Windows 10.
Apakah fitur ini bermanfaat? Mungkin, tetapi bagi saya, meletakkan Pin Widget Board justru menghalangi pandangan kita dari desktop dan aplikasi yang sedang kita buka. Selain itu, jika pengguna tidak pernah menyentuh Widget Board, fitur ini tidak terlalu penting untuk digunakan.
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BERLIN—Contrary to some industry predictions, the 8K television format has not yet been rendered obsolete in the EU by energy-efficiency regulations. But there are also other challenges that the ultra-ultra-high-definition variety must overcome, most of which are global in nature. The booths at the IFA tech trade fair offered plenty of proof of 8K's problems with relevance. While other electronics vendors with TVs on their menu either stuck to their 4K fare or switched their emphasis to efficiency and sustainability, two adjectives that 8K cannot currently claim, the companies trying to make 8K a thing could talk up the size of their screens but did not promise anything new to watch in that resolution. In a regulation that became effective in March, the EU set a target for the power usage of 8K sets. They consume significantly more energy than 4K sets with their 3,840 by 2,160 resolution since they have processors to upscale lower-quality video and a resolution of 7,680 by 4,320...
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